Goldmann Engineering CC
Engineering services

Onboard paint repairs

Saltwater is very corrosive. In the case of metals like aluminium and mild steel, they are always coated in order to protect the metal against corrosion. The challenge is: there is presently no paint system that is able to prevent corrosion - instead, paint can only delay corrosion. This means that at some point, the paint will fail, and corrosion will start eating away at the underlying metal.

In these pictures, corrosion by seawater is reducing expensive parts to white powder.

The trick is to repair the paint on the machine as soon as it starts failing - if corrosion is addressed early enough, a part can still be saved. But if corrosion is allowed to continue for too long, then parts cannot be salvaged - this then means expensive replacement.

Severe corrosion

But the machine is cleaned during the fishing trips...

Usually this cleaning is done for purposes of hygiene, the process is short and may even be done using sea water. Thus no corrosion is stopped or removed.

Therefore we offer regular onboard machine cleaning & paint repairs.

We specifically look for corrosion and remove it. We also look for paint failures and repair them.


Will the corrosion come back?

Yes, but only after some time the new paint will fail and corrosion will start again - but the part will last significant longer than if no repair was made - the salt first has to collect in significant quantity in order time to reach the same level of attack again. You could say that this lengthly amount of time for the corrosion o set in, is the amount of time by which you have extended the lifespan of you machine.

The advantages are:

  • Extend the life-expectancy of your expensive machines and parts
  • Eliminate downtime caused by part failures
  • Save on the expensive replacement of parts that could instead just have been preserved
